How outdoor advertising can change your business starting at $188 per week! Including free graphic design, multiple graphics in the rotation, 1,440 daily exposures, proof of play reports and webcam images.
Whether its cruising down the highway on the way to work, running errands when the kids are at school, or taking a family road trip, thousands of drivers pass by billboards advertisements purchased by businesses in hope of boosting their revenue. But how many people actually notice and absorb the message? What's the difference between a billboard and the next one, or the next one?
Now imagine approaching an ad on the horizon displaying a new LED billboard, brightly lit and eye-catching. The driver can’t help but read its rotating messages as they drive past; first about the local ER, next a Cajun restaurant advertising a delicious looking signature dish just off the next exit. Without realizing it the driver absorbs 4 messages in the 30 second window the LED board was in view. Outdoor advertising is proven to be more effective than TV, radio, newspapers and magazines ads.
Enjoy our affordable and flexible weekly rates for any budget. We love helping businesses use their outdoor voices!
Westbound Right Hand Read
A 14’x 48’ digital billboard located on a six-lane section of I-10 just outside of Lake Charles, Louisiana. Our billboard stands in an open field which means a clear line of sight for the over 85,000 drivers that pass by on a daily basis. Advertisements on our westbound sign will capture the attention of drivers right before the Lake Charles exit or on their way to Houston. Your ad will be front-and-center with no competing digitals in the area.
Eastbound Left Hand Read
A 14’x 48’ vinyl "static" billboard located on a six-lane section of I-10 just outside of Lake Charles, Louisiana. Our billboard stands in an open field which means a clear line of sight for the over 85,000 drivers that pass by on a daily basis. New LED flood lights shine all night and on over cast days for maximum readability. Advertisements on our eastbound sign will capture the attention of drivers on their way to Baton Rouge or New Orleans.
Our digital billboards are located just a few miles east of Lake Charles, LA @ exit 43.